It's winter is Spring! 32 degrees this morning and clear skies. Today is day 2 of my slab repair. Texas is in a drought, houses here are built on slabs of concrete sitting in the ground..ground composed of clay and other shifting materials. Stupid. I am not certain why basements are not done here. I know in Louisiana it was due to the water table being so close to ground level. Maybe it is similar here. But anyway, if I ever were to build a home here I would insist on pier construction to keep it steady. My house is older, and I have seen subtle signs of settling for years which I chose to ignore as they were minor. Many homes, again due to our soils, settle and no one really cares. When the walls and grout on the floor tiles start to crack, when doors will no longer close and your mascara, carefully placed on the counter, rolls into the sink, you know you have something that might need attention. My slab has a crack, my house is settling downward toward the creek, following the slope of the land, and the garage is settling to the side, pulling away from the house. After several estimates and a hefty wait time due to all the business these guys have this year, we are underway.
Pics of the back, including the massive hole Mr.Win got into last night and couldn't get out of. Needed a neighbor to help fish him out. Deaf and partially blind, but that sense of smell. There is a piece of foil in there, probably had some tempting tidbit or wonderful smell left to lour him in! He is fine. I am shaken.
Oh my gosh, THAT'S the hole?! No wonder you had to get the neighbor! It's a bit strange seeing the yard all torn up...but it still makes me miss home...