Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I Love Hobby Lobby

I am off this week, a time to be able to do some catching up and some fun stuff.  My daughter has a lovely condo that she is decorating, and has finally made some decisions as to color and style.  Tulips are her absolute favorite flower in the whole world and her dining table is empty......

TulipsLooking online had given inspiration, with Sarah making note of the simple yet elegant style that she prefers.  Pricing on these gems started at about $81 before shipping upward.  So, mom will make one. Can't be that expensive and I've done florals before. 

It is currently fall (late summer) in Spring.  Tulips are a spring flower.  Making the rounds at the designer type stores in the Woodlands and Spring did not yield a single stem much to my dismay.  Also to my dismay was the price they wanted for what they had. Made ordering look like a super deal. 

Then I decided to try Hobby Lobby.  That place is getting more upscale by the day.  And guess what!  I found purple tulips,  the good ones with the stems and leaves that look real, and look EXPENSIVE!!!
50% off (way to go), and 2 stores later to get enough, I ended up with every purple tulip in the Tomball/Woodlands area.  11 to be exact,  at a total cost of  $21.95.   That might cover 2 stems if lucky at places like Picket Fences.  Don't get me wrong, I love it, but it is pricey!

Was able to get a lovely heavy glass vase at H.L at 50% off as well, for $11.50.  Amazing deals are everywhere!  

Discussion with a dear friend as to filler for the clear glass container that Sarah prefers lead to the decision to do grey river rock rather that the clear acrylic 'water' look.   Now, where to get rock?
Another online search and Lowes looked like the place.   I was not able to find just grey rock, but the multi color is actually nicer I think.  For $4.95 I got all the filler I needed.

This is the end result, total cost of $38.40 and maybe 30 minutes or less of my time.

Not bad!    Hope she likes it!